Monday, August 2, 2010

Steamboat Willie and Other Matters

When I was about 2 and a half, I went to story time at my local library. One time in particular, they did a showing of "Steamboat Willie" after reading some picture books. My mother and I started watching it up until... well, watch the video below and see if you can figure out what happened.

When I was young, I was a real animal-lover. So, imagine my shock when I saw Mickey Mouse twirling a cat around by its tail, pulling the tails of pigs, cranking a goat's tail, and abusing animals in general. I imagine that I starting crying at about 4:21, and was taken out of the room at 5:31 (these are the parts that I remember). Anyway, it still seems shocking that this concept of torturing animals was acceptable enough to make a cartoon out of. I imagine that whenever i watch "Steamboat Willie" I will always be screaming "Mommy, he's hurting it!".

Also, yesterday I went to Six FLags with my family (Yes, it was fun.) Anyway, on the way home I wrote some surprisingly catchy songs. They might become refrains. Here they are:

Hedgehog Song
There’s a hedgehog sitting on a ledgelog, and he’s very tired!
There’s a hedgehog sitting on a ledgelog, and he’s just been fired!
From his job as a ledgelog sitter,
Because he’s a hedgehog critter,
There’s a hedgehog sitting on a ledgelog, and he’s very tired!

Pudgy The Snail
Pudgy the snail was a very happy snail!
He’s the best snail I know!
Pudgy the snail was a very happy snail!
Until he became escargot!

Ha! Anyway, that's my post. Enjoy!

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